Ring Application
In addition to Student Candidates graduating from a CEAB accredited engineering undergraduate program, there are other individuals that may be qualified to participate in The Calling of an Engineer, or Obligation Ceremony, at Camp 15, Waterloo and receive an iron ring as a symbol to the wearer of the ring of the obligation made during the Ceremony:
You may be eligible to participate as an “Senior/Other Candidate” by virtue of your provincial licensing body membership. Included below are the qualification requirements for participation in the ceremony wherein you will make an obligation and receive a ring as a symbol to you of that obligation.
Qualification Requirements for Other Candidates to attend The Calling of an Engineer
All 28 Camps across Canada adhere to a common academically based eligibility criterion for an engineer to be obligated (receive a ring), namely, completion of an CEAB accredited degree or its deemed equivalent. Coincidentally, this also happens to be the same as the academic requirement for professional registration with one of the provincial or territorial licensing bodies as a registered Professional Engineer ( P.Eng.).
Undergraduate “Student Candidates” from an accredited Canadian engineering undergraduate program are automatically qualified and invited to participate in the Ceremony. Qualified “Senior/Other Candidates” are also invited to participate in the Ceremony and thereby receive an iron ring. To be invited “Senior/Other Candidates” must provide documentation they have met one or more of the following requirements:
Candidates who have successfully completed a CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) accredited engineering program from a Canadian university or college, OR
Candidates who have confirmation of having met the academic requirements for licensure by a provincial or territorial regulator of professional engineers.
Application Documentation Required
To participate as a Senior/Other Candidate, you should submit your personal letter of application to the Admissions Committee for Camp 15, at the address noted below. This must be received by the Committee by May 1, or no later than 6 weeks before the next Ceremony scheduled in early June at Conestoga College.
Please include with your letter of application, the following information:
Current postal address for home and business, including email address(es);
Proof of completion of an engineering program bachelor’s degree at an accredited Canadian institution, including dates and degree(s) obtained (include copies) or,
Membership(s) if any, in a provincial licensing body including P.Eng. OR ing registration number, or a qualification acceptance letter.
Your exact name as you would like it to appear on your obligation certificate.
These submissions are reviewed by the Admissions Committee and a decision is rendered to permit notification approximately 2 weeks before the ceremony is held. You may submit your application as follows:
By mail to: Camp 15, P.O. Box 188, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z9, Attention: Admissions Committee
By email to: camp15.ringapplication@gmail.com
Your adherence to this procedure would be helpful and appreciated.
Once your submission is approved by the Admissions Committee, you will be required to pay a registration fee of $50 CAD.​